Friday, January 28, 2011

Tips: Impress a Guy on a Date

The highest priority in a date should be the best possibly to make a good impression. You should be impressive and interesting so that he can plan for dates further. Here are some tips to follow while you are going for a date with a guy.


Dress in sexy, but modest clothing. You want to look attractive, but wearing very revealing clothes can make you look trashy, which is not the impression you want to give on a date. Also, dress comfortably, you may love those killer heels and the dress you can just about squeeze into, but you don't want to spend the whole evening worrying about walking or holding your breath because your clothes are too tight. Better to wear something you feel comfortable in than risk falling over or busting a seam. Also, make sure your clothes are appropriate for what you're doing on the date. "Restaurant meal" clothes are very different to "picnic in the countryside" clothes.


Relax. This is very easy t say but very tough to follow. This is because you'll be anxious about making a good impression, but confidence is sexy. Dressing well helps, so get the first step right and you'll be halfway there. Engage in the conversation, initiate it, ask questions and, above all, smile. Even if you are nervous, act confident and you'll soon start to feel it.


Women love it when a man takes an interest in what they have to say and the same applies vice versa. Ask him about his career, his hobbies, likes & dislikes and his interests. Listen to what he has to say and ask him questions. Not only will it make a good impression, but it will help you find out if you have similar interests and values. Remember, you need to be impressed with him, too.


Avoid the "ex" conversation. A date, especially a first date, should be about possibilities for the future, not the past. Needing to talk about an ex suggests that you are not fully over him and sends out the wrong sort of message to your date. You wouldn't want another woman to be on his mind, so don't let him think there's another man on yours.


Avoid too much alcohol. It might make you relax, but it can also make you sloppy, so pace yourself and know your limits. If you know that fourth glass of wine is a fast track to eyeliner streaming down your face as you cry to your terrified date about how your ex broke your heart, don't drink it. Politely decline a refill and stick with water.


Be yourself. If you're looking for a lasting relationship, then you want your date to be attracted to you. If he doesn't like you for who you are, then the relationship isn't going to go anywhere in the long run. Not everyone will be attracted to you, and it's better to find that out on a first date than after you've invested time and emotion. Pretending to be someone you're not, for whatever reason, will only lead to disappointment.


Always remember that a date should be a nice experience, even if you are nervous. Also, your date is probably nervous too, so let him know if you're having a good time. It will help him know that he's making a good impression. If you aren't having fun, then you should probably consider whether or not you want to pursue the relationship.


If it is your first date then don't try to pour everything of your heart. Let few things get revealed with time.


Flirt to an extend, such as twirling hair, slightly touching his arm, or leaning toward him during conversation. Use his name throughout the date and make eye contact. Smiling also helps. This will make your dating experience more attractive.


Tell him you enjoyed yourself at the end of the date. If he says he'll call you again, return the favor and let him know you had a nice time and you'd like to see him again.

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