Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentines' Day

Today is Valentines' day. For me it is like other days of the year. Couple of years back I used to plan and buy gifts for my boyfriend. It was an eve to celebrate. My boyfriend is my husband now. Situations have changed a lot. Previously I used to feel that marriage is the ultimate of a relation. But now I understand that I was wrong. After we enter a family life many things fades away. I am having a very busy schedule. Managing office and home together is really difficult. It gives me hardly any time to plan something and execution becomes challenging. Now I really feel that life has changed a lot.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Recipe: Yummy Tuscan Bread Salad

Do you know that raw vegetables contains a lot of water in them which is the source of high energy if consumed? Raw food also enhances the complexion along with better glow to the skin. Salads also helps in De-oxification. Once we make  regular habit of having salad once in our diet a day I think many of our health issues will be solved.
I am going to share now the recipe of Tuscan Bread Salad. Try this one out at your home!


1. 1 piece of Ciabatta loaf.
2. 1 red onion (finely chopped).

3. Cucumber (chopped).
4. Ripe Tomatoes (chopped).

Recipe: Healthy Spinach Salad in Indian style

When we cook our food the vitamins and minerals in the raw vegetables gets damaged. Do it is always preferable to eat raw or boiled  vegetables than cooked ones. Raw food can also be easily digested and assimilated in body. Among Vegetables Spinach is very high in Vitamin A and also Vitamin C, E, K. It also contains large amount of minerals specially Iron. This recipe is a Spinach Salad in Indian style. But like traditional Indian foods it is not too spicy. It is healthy and little spicy. Hope you all like this.


1. 1/4 cup of white Wine Vinegar.
2. 1/4 cup of  Salad oil.
3. Chopped Coriander.
4. Little sugar (as per taste).
5. Salt (as per taste).

Recipe: Delicious Corn Salad

We all know that it is very important for us to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day and salad can count towards this. Today I am going to share few salad recipies. I am very food of  corns too. This is a Corn Salad recipe. It is very easy to make, good to eat and very good for health.


1. 2 cans Kernel corn or raw Corn if you can mange.
2. 1 Large Bell Pepper(finely chopped ).
3. 1 bunch of green Onions (finely chopped ).
4. 1 bunch of Cilantro leaves ( finely chopped ).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tips: Feng Shui for Pets

Last Saturday we brought one of my more precious belonging of all times. Candy, my Golden Retriever. She is only 37 days old as of today. Today while I am writing about Feng Shui tips for pets, I am thinking of her.