Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentines' Day

Today is Valentines' day. For me it is like other days of the year. Couple of years back I used to plan and buy gifts for my boyfriend. It was an eve to celebrate. My boyfriend is my husband now. Situations have changed a lot. Previously I used to feel that marriage is the ultimate of a relation. But now I understand that I was wrong. After we enter a family life many things fades away. I am having a very busy schedule. Managing office and home together is really difficult. It gives me hardly any time to plan something and execution becomes challenging. Now I really feel that life has changed a lot.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Recipe: Yummy Tuscan Bread Salad

Do you know that raw vegetables contains a lot of water in them which is the source of high energy if consumed? Raw food also enhances the complexion along with better glow to the skin. Salads also helps in De-oxification. Once we make  regular habit of having salad once in our diet a day I think many of our health issues will be solved.
I am going to share now the recipe of Tuscan Bread Salad. Try this one out at your home!


1. 1 piece of Ciabatta loaf.
2. 1 red onion (finely chopped).

3. Cucumber (chopped).
4. Ripe Tomatoes (chopped).

Recipe: Healthy Spinach Salad in Indian style

When we cook our food the vitamins and minerals in the raw vegetables gets damaged. Do it is always preferable to eat raw or boiled  vegetables than cooked ones. Raw food can also be easily digested and assimilated in body. Among Vegetables Spinach is very high in Vitamin A and also Vitamin C, E, K. It also contains large amount of minerals specially Iron. This recipe is a Spinach Salad in Indian style. But like traditional Indian foods it is not too spicy. It is healthy and little spicy. Hope you all like this.


1. 1/4 cup of white Wine Vinegar.
2. 1/4 cup of  Salad oil.
3. Chopped Coriander.
4. Little sugar (as per taste).
5. Salt (as per taste).

Recipe: Delicious Corn Salad

We all know that it is very important for us to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day and salad can count towards this. Today I am going to share few salad recipies. I am very food of  corns too. This is a Corn Salad recipe. It is very easy to make, good to eat and very good for health.


1. 2 cans Kernel corn or raw Corn if you can mange.
2. 1 Large Bell Pepper(finely chopped ).
3. 1 bunch of green Onions (finely chopped ).
4. 1 bunch of Cilantro leaves ( finely chopped ).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tips: Feng Shui for Pets

Last Saturday we brought one of my more precious belonging of all times. Candy, my Golden Retriever. She is only 37 days old as of today. Today while I am writing about Feng Shui tips for pets, I am thinking of her.

Tips: Feng Shui for Kitchen

Ladies spend much of their time in kitchen. It is said that a good Feng Shui Kitchen is a very positive sign for a healthy family. Here are some tips for your kitchen Feng Shui.

Tips: Feng Shui for Bedroom

This is a topic for which I personally have a mixed belief. Feng Shui is all about keeping a harmony and balance in our environment. I have met many people who have got good results following this. Some comments that these are of no meaning at all.
Our bedroom is the part of our home where we spend the maximum time when we are at home. I am sharing some tips of Feng Shui for your bedrooms. Try these and let me know if you feel any difference.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Recipe: Crispy Potato Nuggets

I am too much fond of fries. More than me my dad is crazy for all these. My mom scolds us for having so much affinity towards fries. I bake this to avoid using oil and frying  but I can never stop eating this. I prefer nuggets which are home made than outside ones. It is crispy, tasty and yummy as always!


1. Potatoes  6 medium pieces.
2. Pepper  1 teaspoon.
3. Chilly Powder  2 teaspoon.
4. Salt to taste.

Recipe: Chocolate Sandwich

I like to taste new things at home. Mainly in snacks I love to do experiments. I love chocolate. So I tried to make a chocolate sandwich. But yes, for calorie conscious people it will not suit all the times. For me I love to eat and while eating I never think twice.


1. Chocolate Frosting.
2. 4 Bread slices.
3. Peanut Butter.
4. Some gems to decorate.

Recipe: Orange Buttercup cake

This is a yummy recipe you can try at home. it is very easy to prepare and you can surprise your child with this.


1. 10 Oz Buttercup.
2. 10 Oz Castor Sugar.
3. 10 Oz self-raising flour.
4. 1 teaspoon Corn flour.
5. 1.5 teaspoon Baking powder.
6.  2 eggs.
7. 1 pack of Orange juice or some natural Orange juice.
8. 1 teaspoon Orange rinds.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Recipe: Vegetable Pizza

I am mad for Pizza, be it veg or non-veg. I myself can eat a medium one alone! I tried to make this at home and it was awesome. It was a real successful attempt. It is very simple to make. You just need to make use your micro-oven. Let me share now the recipe.


1. ¾ to 1-cup all-purpose Flour.
2. ½ cup whole-wheat Flour
3. 1 tbsp quick-rise active dry Yeast.
4. 1 ½ tsp dried basil leaves or pizza seasoning.
5. 1tbsp Olive oil or regular oil.
6. 1 clove Garlic, minced.
7. 1 tbsp yellow Cornmeal.
8. ½ cup warm water.
9. Tomato Sauce.
10. 1 cup sliced ripe Olives.
11. ½ cup Jalapeno peppers, Tomatoes, Onion chopped.
12. 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese.
13. Red pepper flakes
14.Salt to taste.

Recipe: Chocolate Muffin

This is a delicious recipe loved by both adults and kids. A muffin is always a WOW! But homemade muffins are really special. try this at home and enjoy with your children.


1. 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled well.
2. 2 Eggs.
3. 1 cup (240 ml) Buttermilk.
4. 2 teaspoons of pure Vanilla extract.
5. 230 grams all-purpose Flour.
6. 2/3 cup unsweetened Cocoa powder.
7. 265 grams light Brown Sugar.
8. 1 teaspoon Baking powder.
9. 1 teaspoon Baking Soda.
10. 1/2 teaspoon salt
11.1 cup Milk or semisweet Chocolate Chips.

Tips for Better Life: Personal Integrity

Personal Integrity is another very big quality of human life. But really do we understand what is it all about? No, I guess. In dictionaries it is defined as "The adherence to moral and ethical principles, soundness of moral character, honesty.  It is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do.  Personal integrity is doing the RIGHT thing, even when nobody is watching." Are there real people in the world who keep their words, who are honest?
Today verbal promises are fake. It is very easy to say but very tough to follow. Developing personal Integrity is the first step towards self improvement or moving towards a better life.
Start from thinking what are the benefits you will get if you keep a promise you did to someone. You are known to be  a reliable person. People trust you. Does this phenomenon matters you? People can depend on you, on your decisions. You don't have to ask for respect but people respect you because of your dependability and reliability. Trust is something which you can never buy with money. Try to promise yourself that you shall never break ones trust. These good qualities will stimulate your self-esteem and keep your soul happy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tips for Better Life: Endurance

After getting married two months back and recently joining a job in a reputed MNC, I don't find any other topic other than Endurance to write first. In these two months I have learnt a lot from life. Every day is a new challenge for me and I have to face different kind of people whom I have to deal with patience and tolerance. Being the only daughter of my beloved parents I have never faced such kind odd situations and people before in life. Today I am a student of Endurance.

Recipe: Mixed Chicken Soup

This is one of my another favourite recipe which I prepare frequently at home. I love soups mostly in cold evenings. It makes me feel out of the world! Try this at your home and I challenge that you are surely going to love this!


1, ½ Kg boneless Chicken.
2. 2 pieces carrot, beans.
3. ½ cup boiled small prawns.
4. 1 Egg.
5. 3-4 green chilies.
6.1 tea spoon chopped garlic.
7. 1 table spoon cornflower.
8. 2 Thai leaves. 
9. ½ teaspoon pepper powder.
10. 2 tea spoons butter.
11. Sauce (depending on your taste).
12. 1 teaspoon salt.
13. Coriander (for garnishing).

Recipe: Momo (Dumpling)

I am going to share my favourite dish with you all. I am crazy for this dish and love to have it anytime. I prepare this at home often and it is not so tough to make it.
Momo, is a type of dumpling native to the Newa people of Nepal. It is similar to Mongolian buuz, Chinese jiaozi, or Central Asian manti, closely related to Russian pelmeni, German Maultaschen or Italian Ravioli. The Tibetan word Momo is a loanword from the Chinese mómo.


1.White flour (Maida) -3 small cups.
2.Onion -1-2 pieces.
3.Green chillies- 3-4 pieces.
6.Spring onions(optional).
7.Chicken/Mutton minces.
8.Pepper to taste.
9.Salt to taste.
10. Refined oil.