Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tips: Feng Shui for Bedroom

This is a topic for which I personally have a mixed belief. Feng Shui is all about keeping a harmony and balance in our environment. I have met many people who have got good results following this. Some comments that these are of no meaning at all.
Our bedroom is the part of our home where we spend the maximum time when we are at home. I am sharing some tips of Feng Shui for your bedrooms. Try these and let me know if you feel any difference.

1. Never get your bedroom get painted with Bright colours. Bright colors are alive and moving, so the more bright colors that are used, the harder it will be to stay asleep. This also applies to plants and more for water. Plants and water manifest yang energy and cause the same issues in the bedroom like bright colors do. The colors associated with plants and water are green, black, and blue. Bright colors to avoid are all shades of red, strong orange or bright yellows. Florescent colors are mandatory to avoid. Use Pastel colours to paint your room.
2. Pictures of moving water can be a cause for problems. If you have got a picture of a waterfall, river, or ocean in your bedroom, it is better to move it out. Aquariums in the bedroom can also cause same kind of issues and should be moved.
3. Avoid having more than one door in your bedroom. Energy can easily flow out of your bedroom. So if you have  a chance to comment while planning make a note of this.
4. A married couple should sleep in one continuous mattress , or separation and divorce is inevitable.
Beds should move in a direction favorable for the pair. If the spouses have different favorable direction, it is best to sleep in different bedrooms.

5. Avoid metals inside your bedroom. It is good to avoid Hanging objects also.

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