Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tips for Better Life: Endurance

After getting married two months back and recently joining a job in a reputed MNC, I don't find any other topic other than Endurance to write first. In these two months I have learnt a lot from life. Every day is a new challenge for me and I have to face different kind of people whom I have to deal with patience and tolerance. Being the only daughter of my beloved parents I have never faced such kind odd situations and people before in life. Today I am a student of Endurance.
According to the Webster Miriam dictionary endurance (also called sufferance) is the ability to exert itself for a long period of time; the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially : the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity. 
It is a very big part in mental attitude and can be only gained through patience. This is very important for our survival. Our mental strength is the only key to fight for life at any odd situation. Our lives are full of ups and downs. We need to face all of them. There is no way to avoid the downs.
In my current and personal experience I can quote that I am facing an ultimate test of endurance these days. My job life is too hectic. I need to manage my household jobs and in our Indian society very few husbands support their wives in household activities. My health doesn't support me always. But I never try to give up. I try to maintain a work life balance. A husband can be a very good friend in very rare cases. Sometimes I feel I am exhausted and all my energy is gone. But my mindset is my key. I practice endurance. Sometimes I feel to leave everything and ran away. But I know that it is only a way of escape but not a solution.

There are some tips which I think if you remember it can be helpful in time when you are lacking of endurance.

1. This time of my challenge shall pass, I just need to keep patience.
2. One day at a time. I will just focus on this moment and not in how I will be able to handle this later today or tomorrow.
3. If I have survived some "XYZ" situation in the past then why should I surrender for this one?
4. Think and feel happy for all the positive rewards coming after these days of hardship.
5. I will get stronger facing this situation.
6. This is a part of life and I have to face it.

Always remember that if you practice endurance today it will make you stronger for the next challenge coming to your life. Trust me, this will change your mental attitude and will provide you relief from depression.

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many races one after another -Walter Elliot

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