Friday, February 4, 2011

Tips for Better Life: Personal Integrity

Personal Integrity is another very big quality of human life. But really do we understand what is it all about? No, I guess. In dictionaries it is defined as "The adherence to moral and ethical principles, soundness of moral character, honesty.  It is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do.  Personal integrity is doing the RIGHT thing, even when nobody is watching." Are there real people in the world who keep their words, who are honest?
Today verbal promises are fake. It is very easy to say but very tough to follow. Developing personal Integrity is the first step towards self improvement or moving towards a better life.
Start from thinking what are the benefits you will get if you keep a promise you did to someone. You are known to be  a reliable person. People trust you. Does this phenomenon matters you? People can depend on you, on your decisions. You don't have to ask for respect but people respect you because of your dependability and reliability. Trust is something which you can never buy with money. Try to promise yourself that you shall never break ones trust. These good qualities will stimulate your self-esteem and keep your soul happy.

There should be  a boundary between what I should do and what I shouldn't. There should be a limit set for everything. Might be in many cases we can not questioned by anyone but at the end of the day we are questionable to ourselves.
From my early childhood my mother has taught me this lesson. I have learnt to be honest to myself. I always prefer doing the right thing. I can judge among the right and wrong. I am impartial towards any person or situation in life. I thank my mom to make to such a  strong human being.
Practice this good quality and see how your actions makes you feel different towards life.

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." - MARK TWAIN.

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